Fun activities to do with your children this half term!
We know how difficult it is to keep children entertained whilst they’re off school, especially if you're trying to work as well. Why have a read of our suggestions for what to do this week, both inside and outside your homes.
- Visit our café! Kids get a free drink when a kid's meal is ordered. They’ll also get to enter our children’s drawing competition where they can win a £20 voucher to spend in the children’s department!
- Upcycle old plant pots. Let the kids get creative and decorate some old plant pots with paint or even chalk.
- How about buying our Paint your own Birdbox and get the kids to decorate it available for £7.50. You could even make it a competition and vote for your favourite one if you get a group together.
- Take plant cuttings and expand your garden for free! Cutting a few inches off a healthy plant and repotting it will grow a new plant in time, this is an effective way not only to tidy up your existing plants but to gain more.
- Plant your February seeds. Lots of seeds need planting between February and April so get ahead and start your planting now with the kids. We have some fantastic Mr men and Little Miss ones specifically for kids!
- Let your children spend their pocket money. Have a look at some of the great toys we have in our children's department, with prices starting form as little as a £1! Did you know we also have a chalk board in our kid's department for them to draw on and get creative?
- Why not plant some seeds in eggshells, great for the environment and fun for your little ones, or how about making some cress heads you can use anything for these from eggshells to yoghurt pots and old tights.
- Have a garden clear out! Why not make it fun for the younger ones and play a game of how many sticks can you find on the ground, or how many leaves can you pick up in 30 seconds?
- How about taking your children on a walk and get them to find different flowers or birds they see, print them out a list with common birds or flowers such as robins or snowdrops and get them to spot them in the fields.
- A messy task for the kids could be to make your compost for the year! Compost takes at least 6 months to make if not longer so why not start it now. You’ll need a compost bin (available to buy instore), then you can use natural ingredients that you’ll have around your home and garden. For the perfect compost you need equal amounts of brown and green products. Brown products give off carbon whilst green products produce nitrogen. Brown examples could be old cardboard, plant pruning, pet bedding; whilst green products are fruit and veg peelings, grass cuttings and teabags. Mixing all these together and regularly turning the mixture will speed up the process and will hopefully be ready to use by late summer.
DON’T FORGET! Get prepared for Easter half term early and book our Easter Events!