Spring usually arrives by mid-March & the frequent sunny days provide the opportunity for an increasing range of gardening tasks. It’s time to get busy preparing seed beds, sowing seed, cutting back winter shrubs & generally tidying up around the garden.

1. Protect new spring shoots from slugs
2. Plant shallots, onion sets & early potatoes
3. Plant summer-flowering bulbs
4. Lift & divide over grown clump of perennials
5. Top dress containers with fresh compost
6. Mow the lawn on dry days
7. Cut back Cornus & Salix
8. Hoe & mulch weeds to keep them under control earlier
9. Start feeding fish & using the pond fountain; remove
pond heaters
10. Prune bush & climbing roses

If you like to be prepared why not plan ahead for the rest of the year!

March 01, 2023